Ultra Signature is a complete solution to automate the process of preparing, publishing such Ultra Signature and Proposals from start to end. This one of a kind solution provides you with templates to capture and compile needed documents, through workflow process, revisions to compile, collate and publish ultra documents.
With Ultra Signature you can easily and effortless create Ultra Documents, Proposals, and even dynamic periodic (Quarterly, Yearly) presentations.
The Ultra Signature cuts down the time in more than half that is needed to create, to review and approve, to distribute ultra documents; the templates provides you the ability to create consistent ultra documents across all the hotels, and ensures all the data that is needed is captured. It gives you a guided approach for you and your team to build ultra documents and distribute in a secured way.
Integrated Workflow ensures create, review and approval process is smooth, and the managers who oversee knows exactly where a given document is at any point in time, assisting them to take needed actions. Alerts and escalations indicate if a document is waiting, ready to be reviewed, ready for approval etc.,